Three Way Tie for President Leads to Discarded Election Policy

Brent Lowe
Commentary Editor

The race to be Freshmen President has grown increasingly intense in the past several years, but nothing quite like this. A heated race between four freshmen ended in a three way tie between Ericka Emmelhainz, Joey Steinburg, and Matthew “Boobie” Berube, or so we thought.

While S.G.A. was searching their constitution for what needed to be done in case of ties, they instead found an old rule they haven’t used since the current President’s freshmen year. The rule states that poles for S.G.A positions must be open for three days, so the race wasn’t even technically over and we weren’t supposed to know the results thus far.

Freshmen were probably wondering why the polls were so hard to get to that Friday; many people had classes over the scheduled time or just weren’t out of bed yet. That is why.
Didn’t S.G.A. take things like voter convenience into account when they set this up? Well, it turns out that someone did, but no one knew it.

Some candidates are starting to feel a little irritated at having to campaign and tell people to come out to vote just to find out their days have switched or that they have to do it all over again.

“The elections have been a bit erratic,” says freshmen candidate Matt Boobie “They’ve already been changed three times.”
S.G.A. has decided to resume elections for two more days to fulfill the requirements and will revert to three day poling from now on. No one knows if knowing the numbers so far will affect the outcome of the race; many people will probably vote for just the candidates in the tie thinking the other is already far behind. But S.G.A. says they have to run it this way.