late nights sponsors dodgeball tournament

Danielle Azoulay
Staff Reporter

Balls were flying everywhere on Thursday October 16. Approximately 200 students participated in the three hour dodge ball tournament sponsored by Late Nights.
Late Nights is a government-sponsored program, which encourages responsible drinking. Its events are held on Thursday nights because of the “thirsty Thursday” mentality on college campuses according to sophomore Mandy Smid.

“Even if students have been drinking, if they attend a Late Nights program it gives them a few hours off, and helps them avoid binge drinking.”

Hinkle says, “The dodge ball tournament is held once a semester and is always one of our biggest events. It was very successful,” said senior Christina Hinkle, President of McDaniel College’s Late Nights program
Sophomore Colin Miller, a member of the Napalm team, said, “I had an
excellent time, it was bodacious.”

The tournament ran from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. and was held in Old Gill, which was divided into two courts by the batting cage netting dropped in the middle. The net cage also provided spectators and teams waiting to play a safe spot to watch all of the action and avoid being hit by stray balls.

Out of 33 teams the last one standing was IOC, its members included seniors Garrett Eagan, Troy Tipton, Jordan Barton, Matt Teter, Ryan Graves, and sophomore Greg Davis.

Each member of the team received a free t-shirt for the victory.
Although everyone could not be a winner, everyone did seem to have a great time at this event. Other activities at the event included palm reading, face painting, and henna tattoos.

“Late Night activities are a lot of fun. They get more people out and are a great campus community builder.” He also feels Late Nights, “is a very good and necessary program on our campus,” said Miller.

Late Nights also host a game room the first Thursday of every month.

For more information on Late Nights or to get involved you can attend its meetings every Thursday at 5 in Ensor Lounge. Free pizza is served at every meeting. Also keep your eyes open for flyers around campus about Late Night Activities.