Mcdaniel Community Holds Tourney for Local Children

Kate Delenick

Senior Amy Tignanelli and junior Will Hopkins worked with McDaniel Professor Dr. Hoffman and Director of Events Jim Bullock since early November to put together a day where in each competition every child wins.”The Tournament of Champions” was held on April 2nd in Gill Gymnasium. It is a day where developmentally delayed children from all over Carroll and surrounding counties can come in and compete as the athletes with the help of McDaniel’s own students and athletes.

Smiles were seen across a large crowd who were all there to support the athletes on this special day. Students from McDaniel, including those in Janet Medina’s “Teaching in a Diverse Society” class and Hoffman’s PE classes, along with athletes ranging from the basketball teams to the softball and lacrosse teams all were out to help with the 14 different stations set-up; or to be a “buddy” to one of the almost 70 kids participating.

This day is held for no one but the kids involved and they look forward to it year after year. Hopkins spoke about a conversation he had with one of the athletes earlier that morning, “He told me he couldn’t sleep the night before because he was so excited for today. It’s great to hear the kids say that, they’re reason I do it?they’re the reason we’re all here.”

It’s an early morning for most buddies, with registration for the athletes starting at 8am and co-chairs Tignanelli and Hopkins were up since 6:30, but it’s a sacrifice many were more than happy to make. Hoffman says she believes at first many of McDaniel’s athletes are hesitant to get involved if they themselves are not close with a developmentally delayed or handicapped child. “It’s a day of growth for McDaniel’s athletes,” she said.

Games have been played in Gill Gymnasium for years, some conference games, some non-conference, some for championships, some just pre-season scrimmages; from volleyball games to indoor football practices, thousands of McDaniel athletes have played in the gym but on April 2 Gill was host to a whole new spectrum of athletes. Each of the kids went home with a certificate and a medal but more importantly each went home a champion.