Mission: SGA Revival

Ben Cowman

SGA Vice President

It is not often that you hear about the Student Government Association (SGA). After all, we do not host events—CAPBoard is responsible for campus programming, and SGA money is mostly allocated for clubs and organizations. Campus clubs and organizations know, as they receive tens of thousands of dollars in SGA funding each year. It’s unfortunate that SGA is only known for being the “moneybags” on campus. SGA has had a problem with presence on campus that is gradually changing. With a new system in place next semester, the SGA will be able to better serve and represent students.

We encounter the inevitable challenge of student apathy. I can’t help but ask if there is apathy, why are there over 110 active clubs and organizations on campus? What happened to SGA? This supposedly umbrella organization that became just another club way back. SGA class representation failed. Most of us do not identify ourselves with class—as much as we do our hobbies, fraternity or sorority, where we live on campus, what sport we play, or academic interests. We must tap into our constituents’ interests if we want to play a serious role on campus. That’s why representation by interests and campus location has been implemented into SGA. Next year, the SGA will look quite differently, including nine Senators from residence halls, Garden Apartments, North Village, PA Avenue and a commuter. Also, the newly formed Organization’s Council will harness the input and energy from campus organizations to better communicate with students.

CAPBoard faces similar challenges. CAPBoard’s responsibility for campus programming is one of the most important aspects of our community. As a result, SGA is advocating that CAPBoard be a part of SGA. The College Activities Office (CAO) has an inconsistent ability to engage students. Therefore, CAO props up this dead student organization each year that must also be revived.

We will come together collectively to represent, and serve students in a more effective manner. SGA is now full throttle and has never been more energized than before. SGA’s presence on campus will be an explosive and aggressive campaign to revive student interest and representation campus-wide. Watch-out! SGA is coming back next year, bringing new light and a fresh perspective on student governance.