Web, sports spice up Spring Break

By Heather Gorsuch

For spring break, some McDaniel students are fleeing to warmer destinations while others are forced to stay home to earn a little extra cash.

With the invention of www.studentcity.com this made the process a little easier for self planned excursions. The website allows large groups of college students to find affordable, accessible spring break destinations. Sophomore Britani Director did not trust the reliability of this website when planning her spring break. She and several of her friends will be spending four days in Walt Disney World. To avoid housing expenses, Director and her companions will be staying at a friend’s beach house.

Rather then spending time with friends, sophomore Julia Coleman is spending her break with her mother in Manhattan. Coleman and her mother will be shopping on Fifth Avenue and attending The Lion King on Broadway.

“I rarely see my mom because I live in Boston. We love to go shopping together and the last time we went shopping in New York was for my sixteenth birthday,” said Coleman.

Many student athletes were lucky enough to have the opportunity to travel with their teams to several spring break destinations. The baseball team will be participating in a tournament in Tampa Bay, Florida. From March 14 through March 22, the team will battle eight other teams from across the country. In between games the men will have several opportunities to take in the warm Florida climate.

Outfielder Chris Zimmerman said, “I plan on attending many spring training games for professions teams in my spare time,” while others will hit the beach.

The women’s lacrosse team will be traveling to Hilton Head, South Carolina.

“I am really excited to be spending my spring break with the lacrosse girls in South Carolina,” said sophomore Shaena Smith, “but I won’t have much free time with all the intense practices we will be having.”

Whether you’re staying home or traveling elsewhere, many students are grateful just to have a week’s vacation from classes.