Healthy Food Choices Can Make all the Difference

John Wahman
Staff Reporter

In today’s society we are faced with obesity more than ever and the problem is still growing. Obesity has been connected with higher rates of depression as well as a lack of motivation. It is a fact, being obese in today’s society is not an easy thing to be faced with.
This then presents the question; What do I do? I cannot be the answer to that question for all Americans, however; I can provide some support for the students of McDaniel.

I first will address the pub, and I will do so in regards to the rather unhealthy food they offer. It may be tasty because we cannot deny it is full of grease and fatty flavor, something every American has a soft spot for. Let us be honest though, eating that lovely tasting greasy food three or four nights a week is certainly a way to pack on the pounds.

How many times have you gone to the pub and ordered the salad of the day, or a healthy sandwich? Have you ever gotten fruit instead of fries, or how about water instead of your favorite soda? Now, I am not saying you have to give up everything you love and suffer through every meal. Everyone has an evil for every good, but if your evils start outweighing your good then you have a problem and that is when you begin to see negative results.

Next time you are in the pub order something healthy, and trade fries for a fruit or pretzels. You will not only be surprised with the physical change in your body after a few months, but also with the mental change; eating healthy generates positive mental energy and allows your body to function more efficiently.

Another often-challenging task is finding something healthy to eat at Glar. The majority of the time the hot side, although not always desirable taste wise, is rather healthy for you. If for some reason though, you do not like what they have on the hot side, there is almost always pasta, which is full of carbohydrates and although it is said carbohydrates pack on weight, in moderation they give you positive energy that will not cause you to crash.

Also on the hot side, you have a few lovely ladies always willing to provide you with an array of specialty pastas, as well as a taco salad, which when enhanced with the available vegetables is a healthy choice.

Glar pizza is sometimes extremely tasty, and sometimes not so much, however, no matter the taste you should eat pizza sparingly. The excess grease and calories in pizza not only help pack on the pounds but it causes acne and other undesirable consequences. I am not saying avoid it all together, but if you are looking to lose weight and get in shape, eat it in moderation.

Moving to the salad and sandwich side, we encounter out most healthy options. We all know the wonderful salads we can get from Bobbie are full of vitamins and low on calories, an awesome meal!

Further down in the sandwich line you can chose from a variety of breads and meats to produce a healthy sandwich. Again, if you are looking to lose weight and get in shape look to the multigrain bread and lay off the mayonnaise as much as possible.

There are tons of healthy choices you may not be aware of and again don’t be afraid to ask around and change out some of your bad food choices for better ones. All it takes is a true commitment and you are surrounded with everything you need to change your life.