How to Keep Your Weight at Bay While on the Hill

Garret Eagan
Sports Editor

Between eating at Glar without the use of nutritional facts, eating at the pub late, and the ability to order in several “healthy” menu items, losing weight in college is tough. However, in something slightly short of a miracle, I was able to drop over 65 pounds since November. I didn’t employ the Jared diet, or a south beach diet, or a crash diet or whatever else people want you to buy, I did it on my own. And this is how I did it:
First and foremost, you have to WANT to do it, and you have to stick with it. Yes, it is going to be hard, but you will see results and then you know it will be worth all the hassle. It’s not about anything other than being committed to your workouts, persistent in them, and having the will to stay faithful to yourself. Personally, the things that helped me gain weight throughout college were heavy drinking, drunk eating, and eating late without any exercise. Sitting around doesn’t help anything and it’s the implementation of exercise that really help move me to losing the weight.

On the subject of eating, campus is really a mine-field of junk, monstrous portions, and late-night options that can add unwanted weight. You have an all-you-can eat Glar atmosphere, the greasy but delicious pub menu, and even a short hop skip and jump to Wawa, Sheetz, Dennys and numerous pizza joints. Personally, I make sure I eat healthier both at lunch and dinner, but also late at night. With eating at lunch and dinner, I cut down the huge portions of slop to a mild sandwich and salad, washed down by water and milk. I totally nuked the idea of eating after 8pm, mainly due to the limited amount of exercise I can do after that time.

With exercise, it all depends on the person. For myself, I started out biking for around 20 minutes, then moved to the elliptical and tredmill options for cardio. It was almost humorous to see people’s reaction to my large frame, in a drenched hoody running on a tredmill or huffing and puffing on a elliptical machine. What can I say; I’m out here just trying. More recently I have been working in amounts of weight lifting to add to calorie-burning. I am not really sure where I want to go next, but my workouts usually run around an hour to an hour and a half. If anything, you should start out light and work your way up. Believe me, you won’t be able to go as long as you want the first time you work out. You have to work your way up and you have to start somewhere.

The thing that you should take away from this is? Anyone can get to where they want to be or look. It’s not about quick gimmicks or cutting corners, or even starving yourself. It is about commitment and determination. Both of which will help you maintain how you want to look in the long run. And when anyone asks me what the hell I am doing at the gym? I’m Perkisizing .