CSA Sponsors Comnmunity Walk to Increase Suicide Awareness

Sarah Chavis

Staff Reporter

A person dies by suicide about every 16 minutes in the United States according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). That’s why the Commuter Student Association at McDaniel College is sponsoring a 3-5 mile walk around campus to prevent suicide, Out of the Darkness on Saturday, November 7th.

The Out of the Darkness Community Walk was created to allow people around the nation help raise money for research and education programs to prevent suicide, increase awareness about suicide and depression, and assist survivors of suicide loss.

Junior Kristina Martin, an active member of the CSA, introduced the idea in remembrance of her father who committed suicide eight years ago. Martin and Junior Steven Carney, president of the CSA, agreed on a goal of $1500 for the upcoming walk. However Martin says, “If we don’t even raise money at all, that would be fine, as long as we raise awareness for the cause.”

Anybody can participate in the walk, students, faculty, family, friends, and any members of the community. For more information, visit www.outofthedarkness.org or contact Kristina Martin at klm015@mcdaniel.edu or Steven Carney at swc001@mcdaniel.edu.