Lady Gaga vs. Baby Gaga: A Controversial Ice Cream Flavor

Trendsetter Lady Gaga expects the press and her fans to gawk over her crazy statements—but  the feeling is not reciprocal.  Recently upset about a boutique ice cream shop and their shocking new ice cream flavor, Gaga has entered into a legal battle over someone else’s creative expression.

The Icecreamists, an ice cream parlor in London’s Covent Garden, is making ice cream history by adding a shocking new ingredient— the breast milk of lactating women— to their new ice cream flavor called “Baby Gaga.”  Perhaps surprisingly, the ice cream is a huge hit to Londoners.  Selling for £14 a serving (about $22), the ice cream is a statement that is supposed to bring its consumers back to their mammalian nature.

Lady Gaga is less than thrilled with their decision to name the ice cream flavor “Baby Gaga,” and has filed a lawsuit against the company.  According to her blog, Lady Gaga’s attorney’s say, “To many people, [the ice cream] is nauseating,” and she is concerned about it affecting her reputation.  Hold the sprinkles and the irony— let us not forget the dress clad in raw meat that Gaga wore last year.  If that isn’t offensive, I don’t know what else is.

The ice cream boutique is very offended by the accusations, and feels as though Lady Gaga has no right to force the Icecreamists to change the name of the ice cream flavor.

“Perhaps I’ll deliver my response wearing a fillet steak jockstrap, celebrating the fact that it is mothers’ milk which has weaned humanity for thousands of years,” said the Icecreamists official blog. “It is the drinking of milk destined for the calves of other mammals which is in fact questionable.”

If it isn’t considered gross to consume the milk of another species, why would it be “nauseating” to drink the milk of human beings?  Without thinking twice we eat and drink things from companies that do horrible things to our planet and the people who live here; adding a natural ingredient like breast milk may seem weird, but at least they are making an effort to compensate for all of the unnatural foods that we consume.

The milk is tested to be sure that it is safe, so anyone who is feeling a little daring can support the Icecreamists and their statement.

Although I would be apprehensive about trying the ice cream, I can appreciate the meaning behind it.  Using an all natural ingredient as opposed to something processed and grown with chemicals, the Icecreamists are expressing their personal beliefs in an unconventional medium of art.

The company denies that the ice cream flavor has anything to do with Lady Gaga; however, they are willing to change the name of the new flavor.

Claiming that the word “Gaga” is her property, she wants no associations with the ice cream and demands that they change the name.  The lawsuit is not settled yet, but it will be interesting to watch her fight over a word that babies have been saying…forever.

according to her blog, her lawyers say