Senior Profile: Cam Ostrander

Photo by Marya Topina.

What is your preferred name?


What is your major and minor?

English Major, Secondary Education Minor

What are some of the jobs you held while at McDaniel?

I love working as a writing center tutor, and over the summers I have stayed on campus as a researcher for the Westminster Detective Library.

What organizations were you a part of at McDaniel? What positions did you hold?

I am the Co-Chancellor of Danger Sauce, McDaniel’s improv comedy troupe.
I have also been a member of the men’s soccer team and the Honor & Conduct Board.

Did you enjoy your time at McDaniel? How?

These 4 years on the Hill have been packed with experience; full of friends, mentors, learning, adventures, and laughs. I’ve pursued every path I wanted, made lasting relationships, and seen my friends achieve great things.

Who do you think is/was your best mentor(s)?

To pick one mentor would be impossible, as I’ve been blessed. Dean Breslin has inspired me to strive further constantly, illuminated the good when I needed, and personified class. Dr. Mary has been my rock, and without her, I could have never pursued all the paths I wanted, such as studying abroad, working on campus over summers, or navigating the English/Secondary Ed program. Professor Ambrose gave me my first job on campus, connected me with an organization in Budapest where I ended up leading an English class, teaching immigrants and refugees, and has always made me feel at home. Dr. Muhlhauser and Dr. Kachur have encouraged me to pursue academia to my fullest potential, opening doors for me that I would have never imagined.

What is your best memory at McDaniel?

To pick a single ‘best’ memory is impossible. However, I know the moment that I will leave as my legacy is Belly Full of Laughs, Danger Sauce’s annual comedy extravaganza. That show is a platform for the incredibly talented comedians I work with to make a huge crowd laugh, and having created a sustainable program on campus is one of my greatest prides.

What were some of the challenges you encountered and how did you overcome them?

Finding support from others has been the key to overcoming every challenge I’ve faced. When I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes freshman year, Dean Breslin guided my healing process, and my friends normalized the shocking news. When I wanted to study abroad, Dr. Mary made it possible, Professor Ambrose was a constant source of support, and I had friends around the world to adventure with. In a gloomy time, I auditioned for Danger Sauce, and they brought me into the family, bringing me laughter and giving me a place to explore and find myself. Finally, whenever I’ve thought that I was the greatest, I’ve had friends to remind me of reality and make me laugh and enhance my perspective.

What are your plans for after graduation?

I plan to be teaching high school English in Maryland, laying the foundation for the next chapter of my life.

What advice can you give to those not graduating?

Spend time with and have faith in others. Adventure with your friends, seek out the advice of mentors, and be open to experiencing all college has to offer with those around you.

Is there anything else you want to share with the McDaniel community?

I love you, thanks for filling my life with the good stuff.