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SNL’s debt to sarah palin

Ashleigh Smith Layout Chief “Live from New York . . .” it’s the 2008 Presidential Elections. It seems as though much of the presidential election coverage this year comes in…

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Political Soundbytes

Complied by Katelyn McGinley Skepticism Growing about gov. Palin’s merits, ability Even though it was only weeks ago that Governor Sarah Palin was credited with breathing fresh life into the…

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The international kids on your block

Lin Oo Staff Reporter Where are you from? What’s it like over in your country? Do your people speak English? What’s the food like over there? As an international student…

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Old McD Hangout, New Boho PoHo?

Amy Rust Staff Reporter It’s a place to study; it’s a place to meet friends; it’s a place for local music; but mostly it is a place with delicious coffee….

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International Vacation: The Host

My country through the eyes of an American Nadejda Artiomenco Staff Reporter This summer I have hosted my friend and classmate, whom I met a year ago at an American…

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International Vacation: The Guest

The word at the table James Clark Conner Drexel University I was sitting in a touristy restaurant outside of the Moldovan capital, Chisinau. Across from me sat the father of…

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Europe gives new perspective

Laura Hutton Co-Editor-in-Chief Living in North Village, I never dreamed that I would want to be anywhere else my senior year, until I spent a semester in Budapest, Hungary. Before…

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Biden: change or more the same?

Nathan Wuretenberg Staff Reporter Change. Barack Obama stands for change. At least, that is what everyone and everything, including his various campaign slogans, assures me. However, Obama’s campaign was recently…

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Palin: Wildcard or sneak attack?

Kim Williams Commentary Editor Sarah Palin’s selection as John McCain’s vice presidential candidate is a wild card that not only will play an influential role in the upcoming election, but…