The Angry Vagina is Backv

Becky Carpenter and ‘The Vagina Monologues’ return for a seventh debut

Casey Crough

Staff Reporter

Becky Carpenter will be preparing to orgasm for her seventh year with “The Vagina Monologues” cast in February 2010.

For those who are unaware, “The Vagina Monologues” is an episodic play written by Eve Ensler. Different perspectives of female empowerment pieces provide audience members with a chance to reflect on the importance of anti-violence for women. The show raises money for women’s anti-violence groups locally and around the world. In past years, the production at McDaniel has raised over $5000 dollars for local and global organizations.

Carpenter is a professor of English and enjoys swing and ballroom dancing in her spare time. She was promoted to the title of professor of English, which is a huge accomplishment. “A lot of women never make it past associate professor; McDaniel has done a good job providing equal opportunity for women,” said Carpenter.

Carpenter first gained interest in “The Vagina Monologues” when she started teaching a Gender Literature course; she used the text in her class and thought that it would be phenomenal if it were produced at McDaniel.

In Fall 2004, Carpenter went to the first interest meeting. She expressed that she was a little hesitant about the student reactions, but she was accepted by the group of diverse women and got the role of the “Angry Vagina.”

The first performance was extremely successful. “The line went around the block,” explained Carpenter. The theatre was completely sold out, and although the production was such a success, the cast still felt overwhelmed and deeply moved.

Carpenter explains that “it is never just about the play. We take time to work on ourselves, and through the experience we get a chance for some great bonding. Go sisterhood!”

Carpenter has participated in roles such as “Outrageous Fact,” “Smell,” “Comfort Woman,” and “Hair” a couple of times. Yet, Carpenter made it clear that her all time favorite role has been the “Angry Vagina.”

“I got to wear my ‘stompy boots’ for the role,” said Carpenter.

At the end of the production, one of the cast members shares one of their experiences with violence.

“Each year is a different and great experience. We have neat, fascinating, and brave students that end with their personal story. It takes an enormous amount of strength,” said Carpenter.

Interested in participating in “The Vagina Monologues”? There is only one requirement for those who want to perform. “You do have to have a vagina,” said Carpenter.

Yet, the show encourages both men and women to come and show their support. The show in no way should be construed as “male bashing.”

“The show no way blames all men; it is not what it is about,” stated Carpenter. She also comments that the show provides a feminist argument for pro-man.

Yet, Carpenter believes that, “If violence is caused by the length of a skirt, we have reached a sad pass with men.”

Auditions occurred Oct. 14 and 15 and performances will be Feb. 5 and 6, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in Alumni Hall. For more information, contact Dawn Aldrich at