Ready to Take the Stage…Again

‘Youn Robinhood’ Pantomime to Join Playbill for McDaniel Theatre

Lisa Vasapollo

Staff Reporter

As if The Rocky Horror Show wasn’t good enough, the McDaniel theatre is well rested and has begun rehearsing for this year’s pantomime, Young Robin Hood.

For those of you who are unsure of what a pantomime is, it comes to us from the Greeks and is a performance filled with dramatic interpretation and dancing. It may sometimes feature a solo dancer and narrative chorus line.

While some of you may be saying to yourself, “Robin Hood? After a show like Rocky Horror?” don’t be fooled. The show is definitely one worth coming out to see.

Acting sure won’t be a problem since much of the cast from Rocky will be returning. Many are really excited to be putting on another performance, especially this year’s seniors.

Andrew Tucker will be returning after playing the role of Rocky as the lead of Robin Hood himself. Chase Busto, after making his debut as Mr. Brad Majors, will also be appearing again but this time with an entirely different role, Prince John. Brady Eisenberg will be carrying the title of the Sheriff of Nottingham, Lady Marian will be played by Sydney Thor and Katie Ridgeway will be appearing as Esmeralda.

Mike Pfeiffer , after being the ever funny master of ceremonies, will be taking on the role of Will Scarlet while C-Mo (Chris Molloy) will be appearing as Nurse Sara, such a fitting title after being a transvestite. Courtney Zimmerman will have an appearance as Ambrosia and Ben Azat as Little John.

This wonderful array of actors and actresses will not be alone on the stage. Backing up the actors and helping to tell the story of Young Robin Hood will be a chorus line of Tim Connors, Sarah Dunne, Colleen Alford, Chelsea Cook, Erica Loy, Casey Crough, Darcy Elburn, Nina Minadakis, Cindy Sordo, and Shelly Hiersteter. And this chorus line is not to be looked past or under estimated. Many of these performers will be appearing in dual roles on the stage.

This show is promised to be a crowd pleaser and not one to be missed. Please come out and support the college community involved in theatre. The show will be performed Dec. 16th – 19th.