Snow day at McDaniel

Senior, Niya Wills throws a snowball during a brawl after the snow storm. Photo by Omar Brown

Senior, Niya Wills throws a snowball during a brawl after the snow storm. Photo by Omar Brown

Kaitlyn Vadenais

Staff Reporter

When meteorologists forecasted snow last week, students and faculty watched the

weather radar with last year’s snow week on their minds. Would it happen again?

On the evening of January 26, McDaniel College closed at 4 pm. Thursday January 27,

started with a delayed opening and became a cancellation shortly after.

Students took advantage of the free day and used their time to do a variety of things.

Some students caught up on their already precarious workloads. Ashley Day, a junior,

rearranged her room.

“The snow day gave me time to clean and organize and [do some] things that weren’t

done before the semester started.”

Other students used the time to play and celebrate being back on campus with their

friends. True to its nickname, ‘The Hill’ becomes the perfect setting for snow sports such as

snowboarding and sledding. Sophomore, Patrick Christopher, was one of a handful of

snowboarding enthusiasts to take advantage of the weather.

“I had a great time snowboarding with my buds on the day off.”

Meanwhile, freshman friends Bridget McLaughlin, Laura Mertz, and Megan Oakey

passed the time indoors, challenging each other to video games and having a movie watching


Sophomore, Jenny Roher, shared her snow day philosophy, “I enjoyed every second of

my snow day because I knew when I had class again there would be double the work to make-up

for the days missed.”

Physical Plant asked for student assistance during the day off. As different parking lots

were cleared of snow, students were asked to dig out and move their vehicles for more expedient

snow plowing. Physical Plant was also loaning snow shovels in exchange for an ID.

While these ten inches were nothing when compared to last year’s ‘Snow-mageddon,’ the

snow provided a much enjoyed day off. And the 10 am delayed opening on Friday did not hurt
