Fun Facts about the Prez

Dr. Casey in a performance in the mid '80s. Photo provided by Dr. Casey

Dr. Casey in a performance in the mid '80s. Photo provided by Dr. Casey

He is our president and a promoter of McDaniel Swagger, but there is so much more to know about Dr. Roger Casey, or DRROG on Twitter. Read on to get the details.

1. Does anyone understand the rules of curling? If so, you and the president have something to talk about. Dr. Casey laughs, “I’d love to take up curling. I figured since I had these professional mopping skills it ought to transfer to curling.”

2. Fans of McDaniel College’s improvisation team, Danger Sauce, may be interested to know that Dr. Casey did improv in college too. He explains, “Improv taught me two very important lessons about life. You’re nothing without someone else, and the other one is how to take the positive. No matter what someone gives you, you have to work with it.”

3. One of his favorite McDaniel memories so far? “Our triple overtime win [in football] on homecoming was fabulous, as was our big comeback against Franklin and Marshall in basketball,” says Casey, adding, “It’s not just the game so much as the fans.”