Where in Westminster?

The Bashful Worker

I’m afraid I seriously embarrassed this gentleman when I requested his photograph.  He quickly granted my request, yet even still, he couldn’t bring himself to look right at the camera.  Still, I loved his photo, and upon hearing this, he blushed so intensely that a friend inquired after his health.

Here’s your challenge: Where in Westminster does this wonderful gentleman reside?  With his bright yellow clothes, wonderful personality, and 24hr job, he can be hard to miss.  So, who will find him first?  Our previous winner Whitney Arkin, has a sharp eye.  She correctly identified the location of the map of Westminster only a day after I put it up.  I’m sure she’s already begun to seek out this quiet gentleman.

Whomever locates our bashful worker first will receive a free latte from the Budapest Cafe.  Email his location to kis001@mcdaniel.edu