The Writing Center is now offering their services online, expanding to assist abroad and graduate students.
The help that many overseas and graduate students with papers and other assignments have been looking for is now here — online.
The McDaniel Writing Center is now offering online tutoring for students studying abroad in Budapest, Hungary, as well as graduate students.
The new system was introduced by the new Writing Center Director, Josh Ambrose, who said that students are able to use the online tutor system for whatever and whenever. This is especially useful for the students on the Budapest campus, as they do not have a writing center.
According to Josh, the procedures are the same as the face-to-face appointments. Students can schedule an appointment by logging in to mcdaniel.mywconline.com, choosing a date, and clicking on “yes – meet online.” Then a white board appears on the screen with a chat.
The Writing Center also has a Skype account under the username McDaniel Writing Center if the student wants to see and talk to the tutor without having to write.
“I hope this helps extend our services for graduates and Budapest students to support them as much as possible,” said Ambrose.
I had the opportunity of having a tutor session with Charles Mullin, a writing consultant, and it was a helpful experience. We used Skype during our session and the white board to correct my paper. He highlighted the changes he was making and, with the arrow, I followed along where he was reading.
Charles said, “it is very interesting and exciting to work online, and I like Skype.”
He explained that he is still getting used to it, but that it is a great opportunity to help ASL students do their work, for example.
For more information, check out McDaniel Writing Center on Facebook and Twitter for announcements and helpful writing links.