Senior Profile: Erick Lowe

Lowe (left), with Jack Bayne and Andy Witten (photo courtesy of Erick Lowe)

What is your major and minor? What other academic programs were you a part of?

Environmental Policy and Philosophy majors, Religious studies minor

What are some of the jobs you held while at McDaniel?

Environmental studies ambassador, restorationist at the MEC

What organizations were you a part of at McDaniel? What positions did you hold?

Green Life president, Rocket League international Relations Czar, McDaniel football , Jewish Student Union house member, Founding member of Environmental Climate & Justice Coalition, Dangersauce improv troupe member, Ultimate frisbee member, McDaniel Free Press staff reporter

Have you enjoyed your time at McDaniel? If so, what did you enjoy the most?

Absolutely! Loved the community built in clubs and the bonds fostered by our professors. By far, professors are the strength of this school.

Who do you think was/is your best mentor?

Too many to list. From the Env pairing of Dr. Scullion and Dr. Engle, to philosophy’s Dr. Tyler and Dr. Jakoby, and football coach white, I’ve been blessed to learn from so many great people.

Describe your favorite memory at McDaniel.

Senior year improv show the night before [playing in] a football game. 

What are your plans for after graduation?

Work with the Appalachian conservation corps doing restoration work in the Shenandoah.

What advice would you give yourself as a first-year student at McDaniel?

 College is literally as good or bad as you make it, don’t hold back.

Where do you see the world in 10 years?

Man, I’m definitely not the person who would know.

How do you reflect on your senior year during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic?

I’m not getting into that, it’s been an absolute rollercoaster and I’m just grateful we’re here now.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with the McDaniel community?

Rock on McDaniel, never stop being you.