Jan Term course combines service and sightseeing in Zimbabwe

There is a new course being offered this year over Jan Term that is far from a typical winter break experience. This January, students will have the opportunity to study abroad in Africa through “Zimbabwe From the Ground Up.”

Archway describes that “With the collaboration and support of McDaniel College Trustee, Mr. Charlie Moore, students will travel to a rural region of Zimbabwe to work on two projects over a 3 week period. One will be a health and environment project at a local medical clinic. The other will be an education-related project carried out at a local school… In addition to working on service projects, the group will travel to either Great Zimbabwe or Victoria Falls to bring the trip to its conclusion.”

This will not be Moore’s first journey to Zimbabwe. Moore, a member of the Board of Trustees and an alumnus, said, “Probably 12 trips I’ve been there. I’ve been involved in leading work trips, building churches, medical clinics, parsonages, most recently a school.”

Dr. Fanuel Tagwira, Vice Chancellor of Africa University in Zimbabwe, came to McDaniel College to discuss the trip. Moore explained that Dr. Tagwira was “visiting with us [September 14] to talk about the Jan trip we’re taking and in discussion about forging a partnership between Africa University and us.”

Moore said, “I made an initial contact with Tagwira earlier this year about creating some partnership and that lead to some discussion about the possibility of a Jan Term trip.”

The Jan Term trip to Zimbabwe will combine service and sight-seeing. Moore says of the trip that “hopefully it will involve some service projects in conjunction with students from Africa University.” Moore also said the trip will include “spending some time visiting the natural wonders.”

Faculty planning to travel with the group includes Dr. Debora Johnson-Ross, Dr. Mona Kerby, and Dr. Karen Violanti, Assistant Dean for First Year Students.

Kim Williams


Dr. Johnson-Ross said, “It was Mr. Moore’s idea. When I heard about it I said me too!”

Senior Kristin Behrle said, “It sounds really cool for anyone interested in Africa or learning about the culture in Zimbabwe.”

Applications are still being accepted for the trip to Zimbabwe, so those interested should contact Dr. Johnson-Ross at djohnson@mcdaniel.edu.