Author of self published book “Leading a Double Life” Kristina Hernandez reads excerpts from her book to members of Allies
Masha Makhlyagina
Staff Reporter
On October 11th, Allies was graced by an inspirational speaker. Kristina Hernandez, a junior who is attending Slippery Rock University, bravely spoke of her journey to transform her personal diary into a published book. The subject of her book was her double life as a woman who suddenly found herself in love with another woman, one who could not tell this secret to anyone.
In high school, Kristina said she was boy crazy, athletic, popular, and highly involved. She never expected that during her senior year of high school, she would fall in love with a girl.
They secretly dated for over two years, sneaking private moments of romance between classes and hiding their relationship from everyone—friends, family, school administration. The secrets resulted in many emotional moments that affected the very people who did not know of the relationship.
Unfortunately, their relationship did not endure the test of distance and time, but what did endure was Kristina’s strength. She turned her struggles into a book, hoping that while she had nobody to turn to while she was dealing with the forced secretiveness of her relationship, perhaps her book will assist someone who is currently experiencing a similar struggle.
Twelve students attended Kristina’s presentation, four of which were Kristina’s high school friends who were by her side while some of the events of the book transpired.
“It doesn’t matter who you like or what you like, and I just want everyone to know that,” said Hernandez.
Kristina Hernandez’s book, Living a Double Life, can be found at livingadoublelife.com.