Hoover Gets New Access Service Librarian

The Hoover library is an academic resource that many McDaniel students depend upon. The librarians that help all of us to complete research and navigate through this campus resource are very important to the functioning of the library. After 40 years of service to the college, Jane Sharpe has retired but not without leaving a new and extremely adequate replacement behind.

Andrew Horbal has now taken over the position of Access Service Librarian with a very enthusiastic and helpful attitude. Horbal is responsible for connecting people with books and often time works at the circulation desk. He is a very valuable asset to any student looking to do some research, whether it is for a paper, buying a new or used car or any other interest a student might have.

“What’s great is that the same techniques used to find information for school work are ones that can help you in a number of other areas and help expand your knowledge base for any interest you may have,” explains Horbal.

As an alumnus of the University of Pittsburgh with an undergraduate degree in film studies, art, and architecture as well as studying Children’s literature, it’s not surprising that Horbal has a wide range of knowledge.

His experience with libraries started when he began college working as a student employee in the Pitt’s Hilman Library. As an employee for all four years he worked in the Stacks Department. In 2004 Horbal was hired as a full-time circulation Assistant while he completed his BA and MLIS in the School of Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburg.

In 2007, Horbal transferred jobs to a position at Stark Media Services Center, his most recent job before coming to McDaniel. His job there was to manage an entire collection of more than 30,000 DVDs, videos, audio CDs, laserdiscs, and 16mm films. He also served as the library liaison to the film studies program.

Horbal is excited to begin working with students here at McDaniel College and welcomes them to contact him anytime they need help navigating the library.

“It is great knowing that I have the librarians help when doing research. It’s really such a privilege to have such an enthusiastic staff at the Hoover library,” said junior Elyse Hyle.

Horbal encourages students to email or find him in library if they are in need of any help with research.