Senior Profile: Will Giles

Photo courtesy of Will Giles.

What is your preferred name?

Will (Giles)

What is your major and minor?

Communication Major

What are some of the jobs you held while at McDaniel?

Rec Lounge, CEO Study Abroad Ambassador, Enterprise Rent-A-Car Intern, Student Visitor on Board of Trustees

What organizations were you a part of at McDaniel?

What positions did you hold? Student Alumni Council (Fundraising), Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity (Recruitment, Treasurer, Vice President), Men’s Tennis (Captain Soph-Sen year),

Did you enjoy your time at McDaniel? How?

These were some of the best years of my life. Everything and everyone I came across in my four years made it the fond experience I recount today as I fill out this form. I’ll have memories of my nutty fraternity brothers during tailgates, bus trips to and from tennis matches, and move in and graduation day for the rest of my life. I had nothing short of the perfect college experience here at McDaniel.

Who do you think is/was your best mentor(s)?

My sister was, and still is, my best mentor, having graduated from McDaniel herself in 2015. Her help with the transition into college life made me so much more comfortable on campus, and her example as an outstanding student, sister, and human being has helped prepare me for the real world.

What is your best memory at McDaniel?

The fact that there was always something to do, people to hang with, and fun to be had every second I was on campus.

What were some of the challenges you encountered and how did you overcome them?

I considered myself an outgoing person, but I never realized how uncomfortable it is to walk up to someone on the first day of orientation and start up a conversation with a peer. After a day or so, I realized the person sitting next to me felt the same way, and it might as well be me who started the conversation.

What are your plans for after graduation?

I plan on attending graduate school somewhere in a field unknown. God only knows where I will end up.

What advice can you give to those not graduating?

Take every opportunity to progress academically, socially, and spiritually during these four years. Growing is the most important thing college does for you, and that growth manifests itself in different ways for everyone.