Nyambi Shannon: Aiding the McDaniel Experience

Photo courtesy of Nyambi Shannon.

Oftentimes, students don’t acknowledge the mechanics behind on-campus living. Students may not understand why living on campus is generally a comfortable experience where issues are usually resolved quickly, and quietly. One person leading the charge for this transitional period of life is Nyambi Shannon.

As an area coordinator, Nyambi Shannon has been an integral part for the McDaniel student body and campus community at large.

Growing up in Georgia, Shannon long had a taste for adventure; she long desired to go to an undergraduate school out of state. Her mother, however, put one restriction on traveling out of state for school: the college couldn’t be more than five hours away from home.

Shannon narrowed her selection down to Queens University of Charlotte, North Carolina. Queens University has similarities to McDaniel College in that they’re both small, private liberal arts schools. What drew Shannon to Queens University was the school’s mission and commitment to community service.

Shannon graduated with a bachelor’s in communications, with a focus in journalism, and minors in political science and pre-law. Shannon continued her education, obtaining a master’s degree in adult and continuing education from North Carolina A&T.

Before reaching McDaniel College, Shannon worked at a few public institutions, but wanted to test the waters in the administration of a private, liberal arts institution. The close proximity to the DMV, as well as potential career paths in the private higher education sector were attracting features of McDaniel College.

Shannon believes that, ultimately, her goal here on campus is “Gelling and meshing with you all as best as possible to give you all the experience that you want here at McDaniel College.” Her aim is to fit in with the student body, and not disrupt the personality that makes McDaniel College the institution that it is.

To students, Shannon has two major words of wisdom, “Maintain the goal that you set forth and learn some kind of life lesson out of everything that you do” and to “Pick as many brains as you can from those on campus that have been through what you’re going through.” Sound advice from someone that has been through the trials and tribulations of a student.

If you have any questions or comments for Shannon, her email is nshannon@mcdaniel.edu.