Senior Profile: Jackie White

Jackie White. (Photo courtesy of Jackie White).

What is your major and minor? What other academic programs were you a part of?

English major, cinema minor.

What are some of the jobs you held while at McDaniel?

Writing Center tutor, SASS tutor.

What organizations were you a part of at McDaniel? What positions did you hold?

I was in History Club for four years (promotional chair for one year), English honor society Sigma Tau Delta for two and a half years (vice president for one year, president for one year), The “We Spell McDaniel” Spelling Bee team for three years (captain for two years), first year honor society Alpha Lambda Delta for three and a half years, and honor society Phi Beta Kappa my last semester.

Did you enjoy your time at McDaniel? How?

Yes! I was really able to explore new interests, take classes in subjects I never knew I’d enjoy, and make friends that I’ll have for many years to come. I think that I really became a more confident person through all of the opportunities and experiences McDaniel provided, and even though the schoolwork could be stressful, it provided me with a great sense of accomplishment! I don’t know if I would have enjoyed my time equally anywhere else.

Who do you think was/is your best mentor?

Dr. Mary [Bendel-Simso]! She’s a great professor who has pushed me to do my best academically, but she’s also someone I feel completely comfortable talking about my personal life with. Her hospitality and guidance are things that I really appreciate, and I will definitely be asking her for advice even after graduation!

What is your best memory at McDaniel?

Definitely getting to live in McDaniel House my sophomore year. For one year, McDaniel House was used for History Club affinity housing, and it was a great experience. I can’t narrow that year down to one great memory, but that house as a whole has a lot of great memories in it.

What are some of the challenges you encountered and how did you overcome them?

I struggled with a heavy workload my sophomore year, and I really had to push myself to get through it. When I realized that my stress was affecting my mental and physical health, I took a step back and figured out how to correctly prioritize all of the items on my to-do list. If I had to miss a few club meetings to get a research paper done, then so be it!

What are your plans for after graduation?

I’m going to spend the summer traveling and spending time with my loved ones while I cast out my net for potential careers! I’m going to take my time and try and find the best possible post-college job I can!

What would you tell yourself as a first-year at McDaniel?

I would tell myself that although it’s terrifying to start your first steps as a young adult, you’re going to face your fears and leave McDaniel a stronger person for it. It’s healthy to be a little scared, but don’t let that stop you from learning and growing!

Is there anything else you’d like to share with the McDaniel community?

I’d like to share my absolute love and gratitude for the English department at McDaniel. Even if you’re taking just the bare minimum requirements in the English department to satisfy the McDaniel Plan, appreciate and connect with the professors! I think they’re the nicest, coolest people on campus. Not that I’m biased, or anything…