What is your major and minor? What other academic programs were you a part of?
Majors in Communication and Political Science
What are some of the jobs you held while at McDaniel?
Student Ambassador and SASS tutor and notetaker
What organizations were you a part of at McDaniel? What positions did you hold?
Student Alumni Council- Vice President McDaniel Live Music Club- co-founder/Vice President Phi Alpha Mu- Alumni Secretary (exec board) Sunrise Movement Honor and Conduct Board. Lambda Pi Eta- President, Pi Gamma Mu, Order of Omega, Pi Sigma Alpha, Alpha Lambda Delta, Trumpeters, Omicron Delta Kappa
Have you enjoyed your time at McDaniel? If so, what did you enjoy the most?
I absolutely loved my time at McDaniel and I will miss it dearly. I enjoyed the community feeling of Saturday home football games, hanging out in ANW quad on a blanket or in a hammock, or just being in Red Square during an organization’s event.
Who do you think was/is your best mentor?
Both of my advisors, Dr. Trader in Communication and Dr. Mongiello in Political Science. They are both people who made classes engaging and enjoyable throughout my time here while also offering me guidance and support in various areas of my life.
Describe your favorite memory at McDaniel.
During a big snow storm during my first year here, going sledding down the golf course with friends then having a snowball fight afterwards.
What are some of the challenges you encountered and how did you overcome them?
Any challenge I faced I overcame with the help of my friends and family. I have such supportive people in my life that I am incredibly grateful for.
What are your plans for after graduation?
I will be attending University of Maryland Baltimore law school this coming fall to pursue a JD.
What would you tell yourself as a first-year student at McDaniel?
I would tell myself that I am going to meet people that will become some of my best friends and to really cherish those moments with them because of the unexpectedness of what life throws at you.
Where do you see the world in 10 years?
Hopefully in 10 years we will have worked on mitigating the climate crisis and begun the work to secure a livable future for us and those after us. In addition, I hope the world is a kinder, more just place where the pandemic is a distant memory.
How do you reflect on your senior year during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Despite the losses we’ve all suffered this past year, I feel extremely lucky to be on campus and to still be able to see the people I care about every day (even if it’s from a distance). Senior year went by both very quickly and incredibly slow at the same time, but there’s been so many moments that I will treasure as we move on to our next steps.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with the McDaniel community?
As stressful as college can be, don’t forget to leave time to enjoy yourself while you’re here! McDaniel allows you to grow and develop yourself in so many ways, and there’s a lot of opportunities worth taking advantage of during your four years.