
The truth behind Twitter

Twitter is a social networking source, where users post and interact with public messages referred to as ‘tweets’. Users are able to post anything, as often as they want. Twitter…

McBlackout Twitter Roundup

McDaniel students took to Twitter almost as soon as the power first went out on Sunday, and they didn’t stop. Throughout the week, Twitter has become a forum for all…

Best of Social Media: Snow Day

Here’s a look at some of the social media from today’s snow day! Make sure to use the #mcsnow so we can add your tweets and photos!  

McVirus 2013: The Best of Social Media

Students on campus have been sure to share their thoughts and opinions about the McVirus (also known as gastroenteritis) that has suddenly hit. Rumors are flying around the small campus…

No Picture

Change the World

Change the world. People hear it all the time. But not long after people finish watching the thought-provoking movie or staring at the inspirational poster they give up hope. This…