Donald Trump

The twenty first century’s Watergate?

After special counsel Robert Mueller was appointed to the Russia Investigation on May 17, 2017, President Donald Trump attempted to fire him. However, the president backed off in response to…

On the brink

The sun is shining, birds are chirping and students are walking to classes. Just another usual day at McDaniel. Then, in an instant, everything is disintegrated, leaving behind only rubble…

Women’s March on Washington: Part I

This past weekend will forever be remembered by generations as one of the most historical moments due to both the inauguration of President Donald Trump and the rally/march that followed…

The Path Forward

Although Donald Trump did not win the popular vote, he did win the electoral vote, bringing him to presidency. With the results of the presidential election, many Americans might face…

Don’t ask for my sympathy

This article is a response to Alex West’s article “The Terrible World of a Trump Supporter.”  How dare you ask me to feel bad for you? You think that you…

Arguments Against Donald Trump

There are often things which are unpleasant to think of, but in times like these such thoughts must be shared. I harbor deep distrust for anyone actually excited to vote…

Voting Not-Trump

Anyone who knows me will tell you I’m an avid third party advocate. It probably wasn’t good that I once cared more about people voting for someone who wasn’t a…

The Case for the Lesser Evil

Let me be clear: when I cast my vote for Hillary Clinton on November 8th, it will not be with enthusiasm. Despite easily being one of the most qualified candidates…

Anyone But Trump

I truly have nothing truly original to say about Donald Trump anymore. I could call him a misogynist, a xenophobe, or even say he’s the spawn of Satan, but people…

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Trump Supporters: A Stigma

Editor’s note: this article was written before the string of sexual assault allegations regarding Mr. Trump. Geraci has not withdrawn his support. Among their generally more left-leaning peers, young Trump…

Donald Trump: Idiot or Genius?

When asked to describe Donald Trump, perhaps for many the words “idiot,”  “racist,”  or “orange” come to mind; however, maybe the word “genius” will prove to be more fitting. While his campaign…

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What Iowa Means

The Iowa caucus has finally come to an end, and in the wake of it a number of questions hang over the head of the American voter. What exactly just…