
McDaniel.edu update to launch Fall 2019

For the past year, a new website for mcdaniel.edu has been in development. The cross-campus team that has worked on this project included representatives from “all divisions on campus,” including…

Homecoming week encourages spirit on the Hill

On Monday, Sept. 30, this year’s Homecoming week kicked off with a pep rally hosted by the Student Government Association. It was an interactive event with students from all classes participating in…

Steam leak discovered outside Decker Center

Over fall break, Physical Plant discovered a steam leak outside of Decker College Center’s mid-level entrance from Rouzer Hall. Though the leak is not affecting heat or other operations on campus,…

Habeeb Baba: driven on and off the field

If there’s one word to describe McDaniel College football player Habeeb Baba, it’s “contagious.” Just a sophomore, Baba has already established himself as a leader on and off the field…

New laundry system has rocky start

Ahead of the start of the fall semester, the Office of Residence Life announced the installation of new washers and dryers on campus, powered by Speed Queen.  The idea to…

I.T. implements campus-wide updates

Over the summer and in the past few weeks, the McDaniel networks have undergone a few changes and had several instances of maintenance. The I.T. department has sent out regular…