Articles by Kyle Parks

Students Raise Concerns of Alumni Purge

While it’s widely known that only a few McDaniel grads can be particularly successful, students are now looking to the institution after the disappearances of some notable alumni. “There is…

Tuesday, Tuesday

The Super Tuesday contests are over, and, with the results in, a few trends become immediately clear. Two candidates in particular favored very well, while many others floundered and now…

60 Seconds: The Month of Love

February–a month centered around the gooeyness of Valentine’s Day: full of romance, chocolate, and ever-so-heartwarming condom grams. Some love it, some hate it, and some carry on as if it…

I, the Political Hypocrite

Voting is perhaps the greatest symbol of a democratic government. The idea that the populace chooses its leaders is championed, especially in the U.S. with its long tradition of democracy….

The Building Blocks of Bernie

It’s undeniable that the insurgent candidacy of Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democratic Primary has made history in its early success and ability to use anti-establishment sentiment to appeal to…

Granite State of Mind

The first in the nation primary in New Hampshire has come and gone, and while lacking the entertaining pizzazz of the Iowa caucus, it still has sent shockwaves through what…

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What Iowa Means

The Iowa caucus has finally come to an end, and in the wake of it a number of questions hang over the head of the American voter. What exactly just…

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Follow Your Dream, Follow Your Passion

Answering phone calls and text messages from students in need of help at 11pm may not seem like your ideal Friday night, but for McDaniel’s accounting professor Kerry Duvall, it’s…